About the Clayton Cemetery

The Clayton Cemetery is located in Sec 36, T 3 S, R 26 W, Garfield Township, Decatur County KS. From Clayton KS it is located 1 1/4 miles north on the Norton Road and 1/4 mile west on N Lane. The cemetery is supported by taxes and donations. A cemetery board consists of Mike Cook (president and sexton), John Gallentine (secretary/treasurer), Bill Brooks, Chuck Griffith and Steve Brooks. The Todd Cook family is the caretaker. In May 2014 the family of Max Ward placed a sign in his memory 1/4 east of the cemetery. Max was a cemetery board member and caretaker for many years. In 2015 the Denny and Vene Leichliter families donated two large signs at the main entrances to the cemetery.

The records contained on this web site were compiled by Ann V. Gallentine in May 2007 from cemetery files, existing gravestones and known unmarked graves. In the 1930's all cemetery records were destroyed in a fire, resulting in numerous unknown and unmarked graves. Stones of living persons have been omitted. Updates are made yearly. There may be mistakes due to human error. Contact me at the e-mail address below if you would like me to take a picture of a tombstone.

This information is to be used for personal research only. Use of the material for profit or presentation must have the written permission of Ann V. Gallentine.

E-mail address: gallent61@yahoo.com
© 2001 - 2021 Ann Gallentine
Last Modified July 2021