Clayton High School Alumni Reunion Pictures
May 26, 2018
Clayton Alumni
Front Row: Alfred Otter - 1952, Myrna Ellis Jones - 1954, Weldon Brooks - 1940
Middle Row: Bonnie Austermann Boxler - 1956, Ronald Williams - 1956, Jerry Gallentine - 1958
Back Row: John Gallentine - 1954, Richard Wipf - 1954, Melvin Juenemann - 1957, Von Ellis - 1950, Ron Hager - 1954
Judy Stackhouse Stockman - Vice President, Mryna Ellis Jones - Prsident, Helen Wipf - Secretary,
Candid Pictures
Thank you to Judy Stackhouse Stockman for sharing the following pictures
The following pictures were taken at the dedication of the
Clayton School Sign which was erected at the sight of the
Clayton High School in Clayton Kansas
Clayton High School Alumni Reunion Pictures
May 23, 2015
Clayton Alumni
Front Row: Carol Porter Gates - 1950, Georgia Davis Rowh - 1944,
Merrice Goodman Brooks - 1942, Welden Brooks - 1940, Myrna Ellis Jones - 1954
Middle Row: Jerry Gallentine - 1958, Loluise Austerman Carlson - 1957,
Doris Hager Strayer - 1957, Bonnie Austerman Boxler - 1956, John Gallentine - 1954
Back Row: Ron Hager - 1954 (behind Jerry Gallentine,
Phillip Hager - 1949 (behind Louise Austerman Carlson),
Alfred Otter - 1952 (behind Doris Hager Strayer, Richard Wipf - 1954
Freeman Higgason - 1952, Mel Juenemann - 1957, Dale Brooks - 1954, Ronald Williams - 1956
Clayton Alumni
Front Row: Carol Porter Gates - 1950, Georgia Davis Rowh - 1944,
Merrice Goodman Brooks - 1942, Welden Brooks - 1940, Myrna Ellis Jones - 1954
Middle Row: Jerry Gallentine - 1958, Loluise Austerman Carlson - 1957,
Doris Hager Strayer - 1957, Bonnie Austerman Boxler - 1956, John Gallentine - 1954
Back Row: Ron Hager - 1954 (behind Jerry Gallentine,
Phillip Hager - 1949 (behind Louise Austerman Carlson),
Alfred Otter - 1952 (behind Doris Hager Strayer, Richard Wipf - 1954
Freeman Higgason - 1952, Mel Juenemann - 1957, Dale Brooks - 1954, Ronald Williams - 1956
Head Table
Lavonne Juenemann, Mel Juenemann - Vice President,
Gail Brooks, Bill Brooks - President, Roberta Mizell McAllister - Secretary,
Dennis McAllister
Candid Pictures
May 23, 2009
Clayton High School Alumni Reunion
May 27, 2006
Clayton High School Alumni Reunion
Pictures taken by Ann V. Gallentine
© Ann V. Gallentine 2006 - 2018